Many of us get stuck in this procrastination trap I call TPOT Syndrome… "There's Plenty Of Time." You know, when you say, "Sure, I can get that done, but there's no hurry, There's Plenty Of Time, I will just do it tomorrow." Maybe you sit and have a cup of tea first. 🙂 That might… Read more »
Time Management
Don’t Start a Home-Based Business Without Reading This First!
As a professional organizer since 2000, over ten years now, I have worked in many homes where there is also a business being run. It may be a consultancy, or someone might be a writer or other type of expert, or it may be that the person is operating a network-marketing business like Mary Kay… Read more »
Clutter Video Tip: Waiting Time is Not Wasted Time

Each week we are posting a one-minute-ish quick video tip on something useful and practical that you can apply right away! Waiting is no fun, but we all have to do it. The waiting room does not have to be a black hole for productivity. (Click here to watch on YouTube if you can’t see… Read more »
Clutter Video Tip: Planning Menus to Save Time

Each week we are posting a one-minute-ish quick video tip on something useful and practical that you can apply right away! So, what’s for dinner tonight? Are you mentally scanning the contents of your refrigerator or pantry right now? (Click here to watch on YouTube if you can’t see the embedded player.) Transcript: Hi…. Read more »
My Brain Needs a Defrag
When your computer hard drive slows down, you can run a defragmentation utility on it, rearranging the pieces of its memory to make it work better again. Sure wish you could do that for your brain! I've been traveling a lot recently and have had several projects going at once, along with everything that I… Read more »
Planning Pays! Duotasking Revisited

I want to bring up what I call "Duotasking" again. Not multitasking, DUOtasking. (See original post on this idea here.) My definition of Duotasking: Elegant pairs of tasks that can be done simultaneously with no negative effects. You can either set one task in motion to operate independently from the other, or one task might… Read more »
Yes, You CAN Check Your Email in the Morning!
I'm being a heretic again. It's quite popular now in our industry of organizing and productivity to give the firm advice not to check email first thing in the morning. I really have to disagree with that, and I'm sorry because some of the people who say this the most are friends of mine… But… Read more »
I Screwed Up.
Yesterday I made a mistake. I missed a family event. It was "on my radar" the night before, it was on my calendar, and all my systems were set up correctly to remind me, but I just BLANKED. I am sure this has happened to every one of you reading this. (If not, please say… Read more »
Top Ten Low-Tech Productivity Tools

With all the attention given to our fun gadget phones and our ever-present computers and laptops, we forget that there are some classic low-tech tools that make all the difference to our daily living and our work. I have teamed up with my Twitter friend Dane Findley (see bio below) to give you our top… Read more »
Nine Creative Ways to Say “No”
I have always admired my friend, Renee Peterson Trudeau, for her ability to set boundaries between her work life and personal life and truly practice self-care. She is author of The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal, which is a book I recommend often. This brilliant article is an excerpt from it. During the holiday season we… Read more »