Yesterday I made a mistake. I missed a family event. It was "on my radar" the night before, it was on my calendar, and all my systems were set up correctly to remind me, but I just BLANKED. I am sure this has happened to every one of you reading this. (If not, please say it has so it will make me feel better.)
I woke up later than normal and somehow got it in my head that my afternoon was a blank canvas, and I also resolved not to work or even look at Outlook/email or my phone all day. I wanted to CHECK OUT– go off-the-grid –and I did. Unfortunately that meant that my Outlook and phone reminders were not going to work! This kind of thing happens to me only when I have a ton of things on my mind, and I definitely do… further proving my need to take a rest. Ironically.
I was pretty upset with myself for this mistake, but nobody is perfect, and I am certainly not even close. My favorite Emerson quote is on my cork wall in my closet (see here for how I built that), and it gave me a lot of comfort:
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
What did I learn? Relying on what's in your head does NOT work (as I did when I woke up). As my fantastic assistant says when she needs a refresher on something, "I've slept since then." And if you're going to go off-the-grid, check in quickly one last time before you check out, trusting yourself that you won't get "sucked in." That's all I can think of. But no matter what, these things will happen occasionally to the best of us. It's okay, as long as it's the exception and not the rule! Push the reset button and get a fresh start.
The New Year can be that fresh start for some people. If you are wanting a fresh start and need to get organized, we do have our online program to support you in these efforts. You may have heard me mention this before but are not sure what it's really about or if this program is right for you. I just made a video of myself explaining why I created the program and what it does. You can watch that here on the main Clutter Diet site on the See How It Works page. Let me know what you think about the video! It's only 3 minutes long.
When people find out what I do for a living, they frequently say something like, "Wow, your house/life/office/whatever must be perfect." I am quick to point out that organizing is not about being perfect– it's about being functional and happy and having your physical environment and systems support you in having the life you want. I preach the gospel of Good Enough, because nobody can live up to perfection. May you approach your new year with a fresh start every single day.

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Lorie, one of the issues I have is that if an item is on my radar screen close to the time I need it, I seem to mentally check it off the list. I have improved by intentionally printing the next week’s calendar out from my Meeting Maker on each Friday by having a ‘print calendar for next week’ on my schedule. I also have “Prep for today”, “Take lunch in 10”, “Wrap up today” and “What’s on for tomorrow?” that each pop up automatically based on the preferences I’ve selected in my calendar because of my ‘mental check off’ problem. Maybe a “before I go off the grid, what do I need to make note of?” would help… 🙂
OMG been there done that. Missed so many birthday parties it’s hard to count. Distracted minds in a districtable world.
And it’s even worse when you own the title “professional organizer.” Just gotta laugh and move on. yeesh.
Very honest and encouraging of you to post this!
Going off the Grid is so important, we shouldn’t be afraid to do it… but yes, it is essential to check in right before.
I want to smile as I read how one of the members can even encourage and teach the boss some tips! I love how Bren K. came right at the problem with concrete solutions even for you. What a great place to be today!
Something I read recently has now become my laugh-at-myself motto…
I do some really foolish things sometimes but I do with such enthusiasm 🙂
We don’t have to be perfect…just do our best with passion and let it go. God expects us to have joy in all circumstances.
Thanks, pliegirl, yes Bren had some good thoughts there. Luckily this is quite rare for me so I feel like just the simple “check before I go off the grid” is going to be the right thing moving forward.
Yes, Dianne, one of the things I love to talk about is how perfection is not the goal… that is why I felt so comfortable sharing this with my readers! I am very much NOT perfect and don’t expect anyone else to be. It’s only when these things are a pattern that we need to address them; otherwise, we all make mistakes. I agree that it’s great to find joy wherever we can! 🙂
– Lorie