Closed September 2017

The Clutter Diet Blog

Note to My Blog Subscribers

Counter Problem? Something is going wacky with our FeedBurner counter– for several days it said we had 1024 or so feed subscribers, now it says 736… this has happened before and I think it confuses itself sometimes with the FeedBlitz e-mail subscriber data.  Anyway, I am very thankful to have you all aboard, however many… Read more »

Summer Travel Tips Update

In continued celebration of summer traveling, here are a few tips and updates for the organized traveler! First, I just found this great translator picture book called "Point It." I have seen other "point to the picture" language assisting tools, but this one looks like it might be the best one. It’s certainly well-rated by… Read more »

Compulsive Shopping: The “Binge Eating” of Disorganization

I just read in the latest Time Magazine an article about addictions that says 1 out of 20 Americans are addicted to compulsive shopping.  (The statistic I am quoting seems to only show up in the print version, not online.)  That means that out of the approximately 1000 feed subscribers to this very blog, potentially… Read more »

Look Up Those “Big Words!”

For those of you who struggle with organizing your e-mail, I wanted to share with you just for humorous reasons the funny piece by Nora Ephron in this Sunday’s New York Times about "The Six Stages of E-mail":  Infatuation Clarification Confusion Disenchantment Accommodation Death While reading this, I noticed something I have never seen before…at… Read more »

When Lightning Strikes

Part of our definition of being organized is being ready and prepared. I was certainly glad that I was prepared last night with a surge protector for my laptop! I am in Florida right now, and we had a huge thunderstorm last night. (And I understand my hometown of Austin is getting pummeled with storms… Read more »

Newspapers are Old News

One of the clutter traps we see often in people’s homes is reading material… there is this strange guilt hanging over people’s heads about all of the things that they "should" read sometime.  The reading material that stacks up the quickest is newspapers.  Sorry, Lois Lane– the newspapers have gotta go. Here is what my… Read more »

Lost Luggage Lessons Learned

Since I am on vacation this week, I am enjoying signing on and chiming in here with a few travel tips every few days.  I hope it’s helpful! The organized traveler knows to be prepared for all kinds of contingencies. Ideally, everyone would just carry on their luggage, but nowadays, that can be more challenging… Read more »

San Antonio Express-News: Downsizing Article

June 23, 2007 Writer Jennifer Hiller features Lorie’s insights on the downsizing process for all the people now moving into condos and other small urban spaces. (not available online) Need help getting organized? Here are 3 ways we can help: Get our FREE report, “30 Ways to Find Time to Get Organized“ Get 14 days… Read more »

Travel Tips

Hi, everyone– I am traveling today with my family, and I got reminded of several little tips I wanted to share with you (while I am sitting here waiting for 2+ hours for a plane). I always travel with a few things that really make things easier: 1)  A clear red poly string envelope for… Read more »

Organizing Your Passwords- Be Safe!

I belong to a Yahoo Group of Austin business owners, and someone in our group just posted a long message about what he learned from being the victim of identity theft.  The main violation that occurred was the compromise of the person’s Yahoo e-mail address.  From there, all hell broke loose, involving eBay, PayPal, and… Read more »

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