Closed September 2017

Clutter Video Tip: Santa’s Organizing Secrets

Are your stockings hung by the chimney with care?

Do your elves empty them gleefully and their contents compare?

Do the contents of some seem close to empty?

While others, of course, have way more than plenty.

In this video I’ll show you how to organize these stuffers.

Because when the elves are not happy, everyone suffers.

Following these tips will make holiday mornings less stressful;

And, the evening before will be so much more restful.

My hope is your holiday won’t be too rough; and,

May you always be happy and grateful for having more than enough!

(Click here to watch on YouTube if you can’t see the embedded player. Or watch the video at


Hi. I’m Lorie Marrero, and on today’s Clutter Video Tip we’re going to be talking about Santa’s Secrets. So, if there are any kids in the room, they might want to leave in case something gets spoiled for them. We’re going to be talking about how to organize your stocking stuffers.

So, here’s a system I’ve been using for years. It’s very simple, and it works well. I have bags that I’ve purchased at the supermarket. They’re simple lunch sacks; they’re very inexpensive. I’ve written on each one a family member’s name on two sides so that any way I put the bag into this box I can still read whose bag it is. This is just some kind of shipping box that we had laying around. You can use anything you want, just to put them all together in one place. As the holiday season progresses, you will be picking up things here and there for stocking stuffers and here are a couple of good ideas. Here’s one. And I can just drop them in. There’s another. And then you have already staged out all of your Christmas stockings so that when you get up early before the kids on Christmas morning, you don’t have to figure all of that out then.

The other advantage is that you see, you know, right in front of you, the distribution of what is in everybody’s stocking. So, if you see somebody’s stocking is looking a little thin, you can fill that up and make that all look even before Christmas morning, and again, having to figure it out all then when you’re tired. What I do is re-use these every year. Your family members are probably not going to change that much from year to year, so you just fold the bags up, they don’t take up much storage space, and then you, you know, re-use it again next time.

So, this is a really easy way to make your holidays a little simpler and if you are feeling overwhelmed or if you want to just get a head start on your new year, you can get two weeks of on-line professional organizing consulting for free with our Quickstart Program. You can find out more about that at

See you next time, and may you always be happy and grateful for having more than enough.

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