Closed September 2017

Household Management

Filter Out the Clutter

One of the more bulky items in our homes is that stack of air filters we’re supposed to replace, and how often was that again?  And what about all of those other filters we are supposed to change out, like our water purifiers, pitcher filters, faucet filters, and air purifier filters?  And when was the… Read more »

Where is Your Laundry Bottleneck?

When we are organizing clients’ homes, a lot of clutter is related to laundry– dirty laundry clutter on the floor, piles of laundry waiting to be washed or folded, and folded laundry waiting to be put away.  Laundry clutter is a HUGE problem for many families!  I was just explaining this to my children today… Read more »

I’ll Spin You For It

"Whose turn is it to do the dishes?"  "I took out the trash last time!"  Getting your home organized definitely involves having morning and evening routines, as we often discuss with our Clutter Diet members.  Yesterday I was in a bookstore and ran across something that completely solves these little squabbles and gets the family… Read more »

Getting Creative with Laundry

We talk all the time with our Clutter Diet members about how systems and routines are crucial to staying organized.  We counsel people all the time in our hands-on organizing work with clients about how to create good laundry systems and other household management techniques. One of the trends we are seeing as our clients… Read more »

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