This is the third post in a series on our N.E.A.T.E.R. definition of what it means to be organized. For the next few weeks I will talk more in depth about what each one of these words means.
Our Definition of "Organized:"
Not Perfect, but…
Effective– doing what works best
Always improving
True to your style
Efficient- not wasting time and energy
Ready for anything- being prepared for life
(NEATER acronym © 2006-2009, Clutter Diet, Inc.)
People ask me how I find out about resources and shortcuts. I remember laughing the first time I heard the Apple slogan, "There's an app for that." I have always had that in my mind, more like, "Surely somebody's got to have already written software for that…" So I go look for it. I am always actively looking for ways to make things work better.
Essentially, I am organized because I am LAZY! I don't want to do things over again, waste time looking for things, or go out when I don't need to leave my chair. Almost every shortcut or tip I have found is a result of a passionate desire to not do things "the hard way."
I relentlessly ask myself these questions:
- How can I use my time better?
- How will I remember this later?
- How can I do this faster?
- How can I not do this at all?
Put your laziness to work by looking for constant improvements to help you save time and effort. It really pays off!
Here are some previous articles that relate to embracing your laziness:
Forget Multitasking- Try Simultasking (or, DUOTASKING!) (this is a favorite)
I'm Walking While I Type This… (this is about "workwalking" on my treadmill- workout & work too)
Save Gas & Time with 3 Simple Household Objects (more lazy examples)
Essentials of Time Management #3: Right on Cue (how I like to remember things later)
Label the Light Switches (how I keep from getting confused)
In the workplace, continuous improvement is serious business– Kaizen and Lean Manufacturing are philosophies and practices that take this to the level of an art and science. My friend Audrey is an expert and speaker on "Lean Offices"– taking the Lean concepts from the manufacturing floor right to your desk.
So join the ranks of most of the professional organizers I know, people who use paper plates, and the guy who invented the remote control… embrace your laziness today! Always look for ways to improve and streamline your life. Share your favorite lazy systems in the comments!

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