OK, as an update to my last post, I HAVE figured out how to retrofit my existing treadmill to hold my laptop! I have been working on it much of the afternoon, walking at 2 mph (the maximum safe speed for work-walking–hey, is that a new word??). This photo was taken right now while I am writing… Read more »
Time Management
Walk While U Work

This week's Time Magazine featured a story on Steelcase's Walkstation, an adjustable-height desk with a treadmill built in. Talk about multitasking! (photo from Steelcase's website) You can see a video of editor-at-large Belinda Luscombe using the desk and explaining how it works here. It goes up to a maximum speed of 2 mph, so you… Read more »
Discretionary Burdens
Sometimes you read things that are simply best quoted in their entirety. I often feel that way about my friend Pat Katz. Here's what she had to say recently in her PAUSE newsletter: It was late in the evening just before Hallowe'en. I was chatting on the phone with my daughter, and had just recited the litany… Read more »
Organized Voting: Make It Easy
(NOTE: Updated for 2010) USA readers… it's almost time for the election to be over! I know we'll all be glad. Here are four ways to make it easy to be an organized voter: Be Prepared. Understand the local races and propositions that will likely be on the ballot along with the presidential ticket. I have always appreciated the League… Read more »
Digital Distraction: Focus Like a Postage Stamp?
Consider the postage stamp; its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing until it gets there. – Josh Billings I LOVE this quote. Evidently, Josh Billings was like another Mark Twain back in the day. How much "multi-tasking" are you doing during the day? What if you just stuck to one thing… Read more »
Save Gas & Time with 3 Simple Household Objects
First of all, a grateful thank-you to everyone who made my blog #1 in the Amazon Kindle Blogs Home & Garden category (#13 of all blogs overall)!! I just found out–woo hoo! I am inspired to write this post about saving gas & time because my good friends in Atlanta are struggling to find gasoline… Read more »
The Recipe Rule
Surprise– this post is NOT about kitchens! I am always talking to people about how to think like an organized person. One of the questions organized people ask constantly is "How will I remember this later?" You should not be reinventing the wheel– it wastes time. It struck me this week that we have this… Read more »
Simplify Your Driving: Zip Around in a ZipCar
Events have converged to make me want to write about ZipCar. When visiting my sister in Seattle, she picked me up from the airport in a sparkly clean Honda Civic Hybrid ZipCar, and then someone coincidentally friended me on Facebook who works for ZipCar. Wow, it’s just begging me to talk about it! What a… Read more »
Save Time, Money, & Gas- Share a Ride!
Carpooling is incredible for so many reasons! How else can you save time, money, and gas all in one? It might even be more fun. I am testing out an online service designed to help busy people who want to carpool. In my own situation, I have neighbors whose kids go to the same school… Read more »
Jott: It’s Worth Paying For!
I always wondered how Jott was ultimately going to make money. They hooked us on their free service and now they are going to charge us for it. Fair enough! If you don’t know what Jott is, here is a post I wrote previously about it. Basically it’s a transcription service that works from your… Read more »