Closed September 2017

Throw Out Your Manuals With Confidence!

Magazineholders2We are always telling our clients that manuals and user guides are obsolete the moment they are printed. Of course there are some you may use more frequently and those are great to hold onto, but there are some you probably never would use. You can now throw electronics-related manuals away with confidence because of this great website called "Retrevo." You search for the electronic gadget you have and it pulls up the manual for you, usually in PDF form. Try it! They also have great product reviews and buying information if you just need a new printer, for example.

I looked up my printer, my cell phone, and my camera and all of the info was there. You may want to verify that the information is online before you throw the documentation out, and keep in mind that the information may also be very easily available on the manufacturer’s own website too. Retrevo appears to be just for electronics, but this concept of finding the information online applies to appliances, software, toys, and many other things too.

These kinds of booklets take up a LOT of space in file drawers and on shelves in many people’s homes and offices. Liberate yourselves and liberate the space!



Many Web sites such as this one come and go…to ensure you still have the manual later when you need it SAVE the .pdf manuals in a folder on your computer.


Amen to that! But some people are not computer savvy. Then they need to have a specific place in their filing system to put manuals-along with the warrantee. I suggest the foreign languages always be torn out so it doesn’t take up as much space in the drawer. Be sure to staple the part being kept together.

John Trosko

My issue with manuals is that little piece of plastic, knob, wire, telephone cord, or extra do-dad that accompanies the manual in the bag. If it’s a piece that I think or know I already have (telephone cord) I will just toss it. Otherwise, I’ll just toss all that into a baggie with a date (the very small, simple snack-sized baggies work great for this). Then, toss the baggie after a year of non-use of the little attachment.
– John


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