Closed September 2017

What are You Passionate About?

Happylady4_2My latest article was just posted for Connections for Women… I wrote about how getting organized helps you make time for the things you are most passionate about in life. In the article I share the four questions that organized people are always asking themselves!

I am passionate about what I do, because I really like showing people new and better ways to get things done. I think Malcolm Gladwell calls that a "Maven," or an information specialist who loves to share. I guess I am a Professional Maven.  LOL!

I am also passionate about philanthropy. I always thought being a philanthropist meant that you were extremely wealthy and that your main job was giving your money away… and that can be true, but everyday people can be philanthropists too. I absolutely love my philanthropy group, Impact Austin, started by my friend Rebecca Powers. Rebecca has helped over 500 women see that we all can be philanthropists. Each of us give $1000 per year to join, which is nothing to sneeze at, but I just consolidate my giving this way instead of doing what I previously did, which was sending $25 here and there throughout the year. We pool our money to present grants in $100k increments. Together we’ve given over $1 million back to our community in just a few short years and absolutely have changed lives. (Previous post about Impact Austin: Organized Giving: $416,000 Worth!)

What are YOU passionate about? We’d love to hear in the comments!

Filed under: General


Megan @ Disorder2Order

Wow! That is an impressive number Lorie! I love this post and why you do what you do.
I am passionate about helping people make life easier. We have so much unnecessary stress in our life that being organized (or at least understanding what organized means) can make all the difference in the world.
Great post!

carlos m cubilette

Hi lori , I would love help the people in san diego ca , most people don’t know how to appy epoxy floor , I will be glad help them to makeover garage for there home . I run epoxy4less in two year and done with lots diffrent color coating floor . I help senior citzens also disabled . To give them a good garage floor . That my passionate !!


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