Closed September 2017

Posts Tagged: planning

Clutter Video Tip: Clear Mental Clutter by Planning to Plan

Do you feel like your week is one of those nightmare halls that keep stretching and stretching out in front of you while you are stuck running in place? Then just when you get to the weekend time races right by you. While you can’t control time, you can control how you spend it by… Read more »

Clutter Video Tip: Sunday Planning Saves Time All Week Long

Are you having a Commodores kind of day? You know “Easy Like Sunday Morning.” If not, watch this video on the 5 C’s of Sunday Planning and mellow out your “Brick House.” (Sorry, I couldn’t resist ;)) (Click here to watch on YouTube if you can’t see the embedded player.)   Transcript: Hi, I’m Lorie… Read more »

How Many of Your Dreams Have Come True?

Do you write your goals down? Why not? It's been proven and demonstrated over and over again that writing down your goals makes them much more likely to happen. And reviewing them regularly makes it even more likely! I was just reviewing mine, and I found an old list from 2005. I was astonished at… Read more »

R is for “Ready for Anything”

This is the last post in a series on our N.E.A.T.E.R. definition of what it means to be organized. For the last few weeks I have been talking more in depth about what each one of these words means. (You can click on any of these in the list below to jump to the previous posts.) Our… Read more »

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