Closed September 2017

Posts Tagged: lifehacker

5 Eco Friendly Ways to Save Money and Save Paper!

Reduce, reuse, recycle is a great way to think about being eco-friendly. We have all been educated on recycling and reusing; but, reducing can be more challenging. Especially when you are talking about paper waste in your home… Watch this video for some #SmartSteps that will save money and paper. (Click here to watch on… Read more »

#SmartSteps… on Ice! Tips for the Freezer

You know what “they” say—if you can’t stand the heat… open the freezer. That may not be exactly how it goes, but your freezer can save you tons of time and help you cut down on spoilage which saves you money. Watch this video to see my favorite icy #SmartSteps. (Click here to watch on… Read more »

Hacks, Tips, Shortcuts and Tricks

Are you looking for free tips and tricks, shortcuts and lifehacks? I have a few tricks up my sleeve to share with you. Watch this video and lets discuss the very best way to do things without missing a trick! (Click here to watch on YouTube if you can’t see the embedded player. Or watch… Read more »

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