Closed September 2017

Park It Right Here

A pervasive concept in organizing is that things should have a "home." Another way to think about that is to say that something has a "parking space." You know those primo reserved executive parking spaces that you drive by wishing you could park there?

In the summer families are home more and they drink more beverages, so the number of dirty drinking glasses tends to multiply. We have a favorite trick that we actually use year-round– we each have assigned "parking spaces" for our current drinking glasses and use them over and over during the day.


You can either designate a particular spot on the kitchen counter, such as "right next to the cookie jar," or you can use coasters like we do (seen in this photo). We have tried using color-coded glasses and other methods to reduce the glass usage, but this works better than anything.

Do you use the "parking space" idea in your house? This method works great in the garage too, for bikes and other equipment, and it just somehow helps people think about the home for the item in a more solid way. Tell us in the comments where you park your stuff!

Filed under: Kitchen



I absolutely love this idea! We go through SO MANY glasses each day in our house, and this would make it so much easier. Thanks!

christine cox

I LOVE this idea and intend to use it in my house! It also means not having to turn on the dishwasher as often, thereby saving water and energy. So, this is a green idea, too! Thanks, Lorre!


We just purchased a set of clear photo coasters and have placed a picture of each family member in their own coaster. This idea will work great and can be used for all ages. Thanks for the idea.


..and we each have a parking place basket in the living room, so that random items belonging to each of us can be placed there when straightening up. i also put semi-finished tasks, ipod, etc in mine as a holding zone in a communal area –

Gigi Karabinakis

The “parking space” idea is great and really works! I’ve been using it for a while now with a “shoe basket” that sits just as you walk into my apartment. It’s become so routine that even my 2 1/2 year old automatically takes off his shoes and puts them in. He’s now so used to taking his shoes off upon entering a home and putting them away that my mom had to get one for her house whenever the kids come over!


What a great idea. It can also be used in a variety of different applications. Off to the store to buy some coasters.


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