People often tell me that they are more organized at work than they are at home. Why is that?
I have a theory about it, are you surprised? 😉
I believe we are wired to create. Period. We are creation machines! Whether we create a painting or sculpture, or write poems or books, or create software or food, or create a loving environment for children, or a beautifully arranged home, or a kick-butt spreadsheet… we get a huge burst of satisfaction from all of our daily acts of creation, big and small.
One of the primary mediums for our creation is our work. The more fortunate among us get to create for a living in the medium for which we are best suited… and even if you aren't matched with your perfect dream job, you can still create and innovate and contribute when you are working.
I think we are more organized at work because we are more serious about it as a medium of creation, and we know we need to make the path clear for accomplishment there. At home, we can "let our hair down" a little more. We also get paid at work, and we are accountable to managers and peers, and accountability is one of the biggest factors in achievement, in my opinion. Our work is important to us, and we have more at stake.
Yesterday I was privileged to attend the Hall of Honor luncheon for the Goodwill® agency here in Austin, where they recognize the local Achiever of the Year, Graduate of the Year, and Outstanding Youth of the Year. I highly encourage you to visit this page and read the stories of these remarkable individuals. Hearing their stories and other stories of Goodwill program participants always inspires me, humbles me, and fills me with gratitude and appreciation. I love to immerse myself in these stories as much as possible!
It thrills me to educate people about the mission of Goodwill– Goodwill believes in the POWER OF WORK, which is one of my strongest personal values. When you donate your household goods and clothing, you are helping to fund programs to create lifelong connections to WORK for others. And not just jobs at Goodwill stores… Goodwill places people in jobs throughout the community and strives to connect them with resources to help those who want to help themselves.
Oscar Wilde once said, "The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one." I appreciate mine every day. Do you?
Are you more organized at work than at home? Do you feel the satisfaction of creation in your daily life and work? I'd love to hear about it in the comments!

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I think people are more organized at work because the structure is already there. And you don’t have all your crap with at work.
When people see me at work I am organized, clean, perfectionist, everything has it’s place type of person. They think I’m like that all the time but I am the opposite at home and am a borderline hoarder. I always thought I was the only one that operated that way.
I wish I was more organized at work…unforuntely I work from home…so I have work stuff and personal stuff in office all over 🙁
The reason I am more organized at work, is because I’m stuck there anyways. If I need a break from regular work, I might as well organize. At home, I’d rathed read a comic or a book or watch some TV.
I think people are more organized at work, especially if they don’t enjoy what they do. They just want everything as streamlined and easy as possible, so they can do the least amount of work, while at work!