Yep, it's National Procrastination Week! Does that mean we need to put off celebrating it until next week? (Sorry it's Tuesday and I am just now telling you about it.)
Here is my challenge to you this week: Do something you have been dreading!
Think back to a time when you have overcome your dread and tackled a big project. Maybe it was organizing your garage, maybe your closet, maybe even going through a big pile of paper on your desk. How did you feel when you got that horrible dreaded task out of your way? Like a million bucks! Like celebrating!
The root of all disorganization is truly delayed decisions and actions. Look around you—every bit of clutter on your kitchen countertop, your desk, or your coffee table is something that has not been decided yet or something that has not been done yet. In other words, procrastination is the cause of almost all clutter.
These procrastinated projects actually drain you of your energy. Spiritual teacher John-Roger says, “If you leave incomplete projects to abound, they ‘sting’ the unconscious and drag on you. You may be unaware of the cause, but the effect will be your walking around feeling heavy, with the low-energy blues. Even after you sleep like the dead for ten hours, you’ll still think you need a great deal of sleep. It’s called the karma of incompletions.”
I believe that organizing itself is not difficult if you understand some basic concepts. Almost every single dieting book really boils down to "Eat Less, Move More." And almost every single organizing book boils down to "Keep and Do Less, Live More." These are not difficult ideas, but what makes success difficult for people is the psychology around doing it. There are articles here on the blog that will help motivate you, and you can also join our Clutter Diet® program if you want even more accountability and support.
The most powerful way to overcome procrastination, in my opinion, is to get an Accountability Partner (you can call it a “Motivation Partner” if that feels better to you). Make commitments to each other to get these dreaded tasks done and report back. Make a contest out of it if you like! You’ll be surprised how much this support will get you moving.
I leave you today with a trio of quotes from the tremendous Eleanor Roosevelt:
“What one has to do usually can be done.”
“What you don't do can be a destructive force.”
“You must do the things you think you cannot do.”
Good luck with your projects, and if you need help, remember we have a team of Certified Professional Organizers® answering your unlimited questions 7 days a week in our Clutter Diet member area—check it out if you get stuck. Let us know how you're doing in the comments!

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I like it… The National Procrastination week 🙂 that’s something new
When I have to do a task I’ve been dreading, I first make a batch of brownies. I don’t let myself eat one until I finish the task. They just sit on the counter, with that delicious smell wafting through the house, reminding me of the treat in store for me when I finish that darn project …
This is very true, this also reminds me of the poem “Its not the things you do dear; its the thing you leaved undone that gives you a bit of heartache at the setting of the sun.” With this, I decided that 2010 would be a year when I am taking a big leap of faith and finally do the things I dread to do for years.