Closed September 2017

Got an Organizing Problem? Hang It Up!

HangupbagsA friend of mine sent this product website over to show me (thanks, Kim!)… this product collection of clear hanging bags might be just the thing for people who are very visual, "out-of-sight-out-of-mind" folks. Read my previous post "Are You an Abstract or Concrete Thinker?" for more on this. (photos from website)

Hangupbags2They are demonstrating the product for kids’ toys, games, craft supplies, and household items. I think it’s particularly good for anything creative, because creative people like being able to see all of their choices when creating something new. You can also store your projects together as shown here with cross stitch supplies. (Aby Garvey, do you know about this?)

I also like their hanging file bags. This would be great for manuals, CDs, and other bulky items you’d like to see readily in your files and stored securely. It looks like you have to call them to order- they don’t appear to have a shopping cart on their site.

Are you a concrete thinker? What organizing problems do you have to solve because you need more visual cues? We help people every day in our member message boards with access to our team of experts, at less than the cost of a pizza. We’d love to help you with your specific situation.


Ann at One Bag Nation

Those look like a great way to store yarn and knitting projects in progress. Right now I dig through bags, baskets and bins to find what I’m looking for and it doesn’t work very well!


Prices are not available anywhere….Very strange and not at all user friendly or no sense of intrigue…weird.

Aby Garvey

Hey, Lorie,
I hadn’t seen these before now. Looks like a neat idea. They look as if they’d be a great solution for storing project supplies all together (as you mentioned)…nice and portable, too. 🙂
Thanks for the heads up!


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