Closed September 2017

Does everyone get the same plan each week?

Yes, all members receive the same weekly “diet” plan of projects. Our plan is tailored for families in North America, with seasonal needs taken into account and major holidays assumed.  Our program is designed to cover your entire home over time, and then some! Our member community is all focusing on the same things at the same time, which enables a greater sense of support and more opportunities for helping each other succeed at the task at hand.

Still “thinking about it”? Click here to read more, or click here to get started now and find out what thousands of people in 18 countries have learned since 2006… Clutter Diet® works!

If you want more organizing ideas, real-time personal interaction and even faster results… Our expert team of Professional Organizers– some of the best and most experienced in North America– are available for decluttering your life via phone or Skype/Facetime! Click here to purchase private consulting time.

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