OK, this is a very cool new toy… Go to www.ohdontforget.com where you can send a free text message to yourself (or someone else) for now or anytime in the future! Imagine reminding your spouse to pick up some eggs at the store this afternoon and setting it up in the morning right after you discussed it. Send yourself or a loved one a reminder to take medication, and a thousand other uses!
Your provider’s text message rates apply, but Oh Don’t Forget’s service is free. They do have a "make a donation" button on their site if you feel so moved.
Our paid Clutter Diet members on our main site also have the option of setting up e-mail reminders for anything they like, which can be conveniently set to automatically recur at regular intervals. People use them for changing their air filters, giving the dog medication, getting birthday reminders, scheduling doctor appointments, or other uses. Members can click on "My Reminders" in the member area.
So, no excuses! You can text yourself or e-mail yourself anything you need to remember.

Hey, Lorie! FYI- There’s another cool FREE reminder service that is even more full featured. A FREE account on http://www.OnCellRx.com lets users send email, pager and text-to-speech phone message reminders – PLUS a free OnCellRx account is great for creating and maintaining a printable meds list for every member in your family. From any internet connection, you can login and enter all of their meds, print out the list, edit it anytime there’s a change, set up and send reminders to any phone or email system, and best of all… it’s FREE! (Why not open an account and try it, too?)
Once you’re logged in, just click on the blue/white capsule “Enter Medication Info” and you can enter as much detail as you want.
Click on the red/white capsule “Create and Alert” to set up reminders. Check the printouts and add or remove data as you choose.
These automated reminders are Great for dieting, too.
One of our 30-something programmers gets so busy he forgets to eat. So he emails reminders to himself 6 times a day: “EAT SOMETHING HEALTHY NOW”.