One thing many of our clients have in common is the need to outsource services. They have way too much to do, and in order to manage their time and their lives, they need child care, pet care, senior care, and other services. I have just run into a brand new service online that matches up people with caregivers of all kinds–
What a great idea! You sign up for free and you can search for caregivers and tutors in your area. With a premium membership, you get background checks included and can check references on the listed providers.
We are always telling people to get help and not try to do everything themselves, and we are seeing more and more clients caught in the "sandwich generation" between caring for young children and older parents at the same time. This is a great solution to help you easily find a qualified person.
This resource is a great way to delegate and clear some things off your own schedule. What else could you get off your plate today? See also my article for on "How to Clone Yourself."

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