Closed September 2017

Calgary Sun features Clutter Diet

March 15, 2008

sunlogo.gifBy Nicole Vaive

It’s a great feeling one gets after successfully purging the garage or laundry room of five tons of junk.

But it’s always disappointing a few months later when junk has accumulated again.

Organization isn’t something done in a day, no matter how much old sports equipment is carted off to charity, says professional organizer Lorie Marrero.

In fact, she says it’s a learned behaviour to be adapted into a lifestyle for it to stick.

“Crash organizing doesn’t work any better than crash dieting does,” she says.

“There’s a big difference between cleaning up and creating systems that will last –you need to change your habits.”

That’s what The Clutter Diet is all about — changing bad habits and creating a stress-free, orderly home.

The online program was created by Marrero for clutter-bugs, offering access to professional organizers and support from Clutter Diet users.

“We compare ourselves to Weight Watchers,” she says.

“It takes three things to be successful: Education, motivation and support, and we provide that online for people.”

By assigning weekly tasks called Main Dishes, Side Dishes, Sensible Snacks and Desserts, the Clutter Diet program aims to change the habits of those who use it, eventually eliminating the clutter problem for good.

“Conventional wisdom says it takes three weeks to change a habit,” Marrero says, but getting started can often be the hardest part.

Need help getting organized? Here are 3 ways we can help:


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