Are you a runner who has t-shirts from lots of races? Or a sorority sister with t-shirts from all of the parties and events from your college years? Many people have copious amounts of these t-shirts taking up space in their drawers and closets and they will never wear them again, but they are representing some great memories.
Why not make a t-shirt quilt? There are some services that will do it for you and there are some patterns online to make your own. As some of these sites point out, this can be a great graduation gift, actually! Here are a few resources:
Too Cool T-Shirt Quilts– they make them for you. It’s about $300-600 depending on the size.
Keepsake Theme Quilts– also from $250-550, a little different design than above.
The Quilt Loft– priced per square.
T-Quilts– sells a pattern to make your own.
Easy T-Shirt Quilt- also sells a pattern to make your own, downloadable version available (photo shown here is from this website).

If you watch Rules of Engagement, this was on one of the episodes… Patrick Warburton (Putty) is HILARIOUS!!!
I had a t-shirt quilt made from all my old college t-shirts from It turned out awesome. Not only did I get to clean out my closets but I also got a great piece of custom art for my game room.