Closed September 2017

The Clutter Diet Blog

Sugar and Spice- May Not Be That Nice

We organize a lot of people’s kitchens, so when I saw this magazine ad from McCormick it made me laugh really hard.  How many times have we seen these little rectangular tins of spices in our clients’ kitchens?  They are at least 15 years old!  Ewww. This photo is from the McCormick website, where they… Read more »

Are You a Re-Gifter?

Today my team member Laura and I organized a guest room closet with a lot of gift wrap and gifts in it, some of them being "re-gifts." According to an poll, 44 percent of respondents think it’s morally acceptable to regift.  That seems really low to me!  So what that means is that 56%… Read more »

Stop! 3 Ways to Prevent Clutter While You Still Can!

Let’s STOP and think this year before creating more clutter, both for ourselves and for people we care about.  Here are 3 ways you can prevent clutter this holiday season. 1.  Plan ahead.  Think through what you are going to buy for other people and consider truthfully whether this is something they really need and… Read more »

We’re going to be the TypePad featured blog on Friday!

We just found out my blog is going to be the Featured Blog of the day on TypePad’s home page on Friday, 12/1!  What a great opportunity and honor.  Thank you to everyone who reads my blog and thanks to my friends at SixApart for giving me a nod!

A Shot of Efficiency

Just want to tell my readers about a great resource– my friend and colleague Susan Sabo at the  Productivity Cafe has some wonderful content on being more effective and productive in the workplace.  Susan is a productivity consultant and speaker, and she is also now an author!  Check out her new e-book on managing e-mail. … Read more »

Set Up a “Gift Station”

Now that we’ve started the busiest shopping season of the year, that also means we need to get organized to wrap a lot of gifts.  The average US household purchases up to 14 holiday gifts for friends, relatives or co-workers (that sounds conservative to me!).  Here are the major elements of a "Gift Station" that… Read more »

9 Things People Usually Forget to Buy at Thanksgiving

Butter, enough for serving at the table and for cooking potatoes and rolls and dessert Whipping cream or “Cool Whip” for desserts Club soda for cleaning up wine Candles for the table Nice napkins and paper goods (it can be great to use paper plates for the dessert to minimize clean-up time) Extra ice Extra… Read more »

Top Four Post Office Avoidance Tips!

We have learned a thing or two about saving time at the post office– in fact, we’ve figured out how not to have to ever wait in line there again! With this holiday season fast approaching, we are sharing our best tips with you so you can have more time to enjoy what matters most…. Read more »

How is getting organized like losing weight?

We are always telling people that getting organized is a lot like losing weight– because it’s about personal change.  A person has to be ready and committed to do both things.  Nobody can do it for you.  Sometimes people call us and ask if we can organize their husbands, and we always say, "Not any… Read more »

Are You Ready for Holiday Guests?

OK, Thanksgiving is next week– what does your guest room look like?  Or if you don’t have a guest room, where exactly are those people going to sleep? Get organized with our handy-dandy Guest Room Checklist.  You’re welcome.   🙂

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